
Performance-Based Information Systems: As seen through the basic nexus of systems terminology. With productivity applications being the focus of my approach I will be taking some of the basic terms: data, information, knowledge, input, processing, output, and feedback and applying them to this style of system. [1]
            Now I won't bore you with redefining the terms we're all covering, but will be using each term throughout this page in an applied format to show where it fits in in my chosen type of system.
            Productivity is a vital thing to measure and control for any organization. As an equation [productivity = (output/input) x 100%] we find that a higher level of output for a given level of input means greater productivity.
            I’d like to create the example of a company creating its first IT department. Digitizing all its raw customer data.[2] Contact information, phone numbers, billing addresses etc. With this data base filed digitally the owner can now see useful information and metrics about how many customers he has and how many may return. With the knowledge of say, returning customers, he can focus on catering to those who return and what they return for giving him the knowledge necessary to grow more dedicated customers.[1]
            To increase productivity he has saved paper processing in this way his original customer supplied input, and making stronger decisions from the outputremaining. Feedbackfrom the entire change in operation will result in further productivity changes as more resources are left available each month for the company to use in other areas.[1][3]

